Friday, July 8, 2011

Damon Dash is a Deadbeat Dad

The ongoing saga between Damon Dash and his baby mama, Linda Williams, trudges on. In an interview today with the folks over at RadarOnline, Linda says on May 27, 2010 a judge ordered Damon to pay $425 per week in child support for their 19-year-old son, Damon Dash aka "Boogie" -- but she hasn't seen one cent. Plus, Damon has been steering his son from attending college. “I just want Damon Dash to do the right thing by his son and pay his support and help me get him in college," Linda says. “My son got into Five Towns College in Dix Hills, NY, on a $30,000 scholarship recently to do music, but his father did not want him to go even though it would not have cost him anything. He keeps telling him ‘tell your mom to drop the child support case and get out of court’ when my son just wants to be a normal teenager and go to college. His father recently set him up with some DJ gigs in New York, and I’m worried that he falls in with a bad crowd and gets involved with drugs and alcohol." This shouldn't have been a surprise. In 2009, Linda dragged Damon into court alleging educational neglect because Damon was not sending "Boogie" to high school -- instead the then 17-year-old was deejaying at night clubs. Question: Isn't little Damon old enough to make his decisions on whether he wants to go to college or not? Anywho, Linda adds: "My son loves music and ideally he could do both. He does not hate his father or anything like that, but he wants more guidance from him. His father has the money he just needs to do the right thing by his son.” According to the State of New Jersey's Division of Taxation, Damon is currently the second biggest debtor to the state, owing $23,073,227.56 in back taxes to New York and New Jersey. Plus, his possessions and homes were either seized by the IRS or fell victim to foreclosure.



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