Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mag: Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith are 'Living Separate Lives'; Will & Jada: 'Our Marriage is Intact'

Bombshell tonight! (Well, bombshell yesterday. But whatever! Bombshell tonight!) Will Smith and his wife of 13 years, Jada Pinkett Smith, are separated after he swooped down on her and caught her jumping off with a man he thought was his friend -- singer Marc Anthony. Yes, that Marc Anthony, whose marriage to Jennifer Lopez ended earlier last month. According to In Touch Weekly, who first broke the news, the Smiths' contract has expired and they're living separate lives. The magazine claims Will had an inkling Jada was two-timing him with Marc, and he was hellbent on finding out.
After booking a late-night flight home from a location shoot, Will had given his driver very specific instructions. "He didn't want anybody at the house to know he was coming," explains the insider. "He told the driver not to tell anyone, including Jada."

Arriving at the sprawling estate under the cover of darkness, Will left the car and burst inside. And sadly, his suspicions may have been painfully confirmed. "He left the house crying," the insider confides to In Touch exclusively. And while Will didn't indicate exactly what he saw, "He was very upset. He said Marc was in the house with Jada."

The next day, "Jada moved more of her things out of the Malibu house," the insider shares. Hurt and humiliated, Will was quick to take action, too. He fired several staff members who the insider suspects had been covering up for Jada. "It was as if all hell had broken loose," the insider reveals.

The timing is suspicious. Shocking as it may seems, though, the troubling incident was, in many ways, a long time coming. for months, the Smiths had been living largely separate lives, with Jada staying in the Hidden Hills mansion while Will and their children, Jaden, 13, and Willow, 10, maintained their Malibu estate as their home base. Claiming she had things she needed to figure out, the insider adds. Jada had also been spending time in New York on her own -- with all of this strange behavior fueling the suspicions that Will had tried,at first, to ignore.

After all, both Smiths have repeatedly bragged about what a great sex life they have, with Will gushing at one point, "I honestly believe there is no woman for me but Jada."

But that was before Marc began playing Jada's lover on HawthoRNe. While Will had been all for his old friend taking a role on his wife's TNT drama, Marc and Jada seemed to get heavily into their roles once their two characters began sleeping with one another. Their scenes together were steamy enough to melt a camera lens -- and they both clearly loved the work, and each other's company.

"On the set, everyone noticed the insane chemistry between the," the insider shares. And even Jada herself called their many sex scenes "a perk," explaining that it was like "cheating, without cheating." Will laughed it off at first -- even as Jada, 39, and Marc, 42, continued to grow closer, playfully tweeting in May about how much fun they were having on the set. Marc and his now-estranged wife, Jennifer Lopez, were longtime friends of the Smiths, and beyond that, Will trusted his wife, of whom he has said, 'I can talk to her about anything."

Still, when he took time off from shooting Men in Black III to visit Jada on the LA set of her show, he couldn't help but notice how close Jada and Marc had become -- and how they would look at each other as if there were no one else in the room. "It made him a little uncomfortable," the insider admits.

They got closer after shooting wrapped -- and at the same time, "Marc and JLo started having problems," the insider says, adding that they, like the Smiths, were spending a lot of time apart. Marc and Jennifer, 42, announced their split on July 13. And much as he may have tried to believe that Jada was simply going through a phase, Will, 42, couldn't ignore the timing. "It was just too coincidental."...

Source: In Touch Weekly, Sept. 5, print edition
The report goes on to speculate as to what drew Jada and Marc closer together. The magazine suggests that Marc -- who denies any sexual relationship with his co-star -- felt "emasculated" after JLo's recent rise to fame due to American Idol and Jada, whose acting career was eclipsed by her more famous husband's. Will and Jada, who's addicted to sex, have said in the past that "divorce is not an option" (Will divorced his first wife, though), and while their marriage will never be the same, they'll find some way to make it work. For the children. Or for their religion. Or to protect something else.

Sidebar: Several hours after the news broke yesterday, Will and Jada issued a cryptic and carefully worded statement denying the allegations. They said, “Although we are reluctant to respond to these types of press reports, the rumors circulating about our relationship are completely false. We are still together, and our marriage is intact.” The on Wednesday, they were photographed together.


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