Thursday, September 22, 2011

Parents Jailed For Starving Baby to Death

Lefty Hodge, 42, and Tina Hanna, 25, of Atlanta are facing murder charges after they were arrested today for death of their daughter, Mombera Hanna, who died on Sept. 3 from protein and calorie malnutrition. According to police, the 5 1/2-month-old weighed approximately 6 pounds "and appeared to be malnourished and dehydrated, but Lefty (yes, that's his real name) and Tina said Mombera had "always been that way." The couple's two other children -- ages 1 and 4 -- are in better health and were placed in foster care.

Meanwhile, in Mobile, Ala., 21-year-old Emily Butler was charged with chemical endangerment of a child after he 5-month-old son tested positive for cocaine.

sources: Atlanta Journal-Constitution |WALA


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