Thursday, September 22, 2011

Penis Enlargement Surgery is All the Rage in Germany

German men, like men the world over, are obessesed with their johnsons and are envious of people like Everton. But, unlike most men, more and more Germans are flooding plastic surgeons' offices to have their members enlarged. “It must have something to do with the trend toward intimate shaving,” Sven von Saldern, the president of the German Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery said. “For men, there is only the desire for more volume. It’s an especially sensitive subject because high expectations may not always be fulfilled.” The surgery -– which may involve the injection of silicone into the penis and scrotum or the cutting of ligaments which can result in impotence and nerve damage -- is purely for show because, while the the operation increases size, it does not improve function. It's important to note: Liposuction remains the most popular procedure among men.

UPDATE, Sept 26:Uh-oh! More than a dozen men who underwent the procedure in Sweden have complained that Macrolane -- the gel used to give them a bigger johnson -- has spread unevenly and formed lumps, while others experience pain and erectile dysfunctions. The gel has been temporarily taken off the market and its manufacturer is now under investigation.

source: The Local


Unknown said...

As a men I don't think there's anything wrong in penis enlargement as long as you want it and you can afford it then go for it.

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