Friday, September 23, 2011

So the Catholic Church is Kidnapping Babies Now?

The Catholic Church, with it poor public image, has essentially kidnapped a Houston man's son. Courtney Hunter says his spiteful baby mama told him he would never have his son and to have his lawyer contact her lawyer. After the child was born last July, she immediately gave him to Catholic Charities, an arm of the church that also has an adoption service. Since then, Courtney has been in a dogfight with the Church to gain custody of his child, whose name is Courtland. He tells KRIV ""I did a DNA test and they say, OK you're the biological father, so I said give me my kid and they said, no you're not the legal father, and the next thing you know, that's when they served me not once but twice." Yes, you heard that right -- the Church has sued to terminate Courtney's parental rights so they can place the child up for adoption. Tsk. Tsk.

source: KRIV


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