Friday, September 23, 2011

Woman Decides to Walk From San Francisco to New York...Just Because

Armed with a hand-bound 52-page direction guide she printed from Google Maps, a cell phone, tent, sleeping bag -- which she pushes in a shopping cart -- 24-year-old Catherine Li is making the 3,000-mile walk from San Francisco to New York just for the hell of it. "I just felt like walking," she tells Phillyburbs. "I just decided to click over to living in the actual moment instead of inventing all these fantastic fantasies for the future.” She has no ulterior motives and no sponsors, nor is she not blogging, Facebooking or tweeting about it. Catherine, who came to United States from China a decade ago, is merely just a girl walking 15 miles a day down busy highways and side streets pushing a shopping cart -- which she is quick to point out she didn't steal. She's already depleted her savings account, but with the graciousness of strangers, she's able to eat and find a safe place to pitch her tent every night. She says: “A quest is different for everyone, but the courage is the same.” So true.

source: PhillyBurbs


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