Here's Video of a Dog in a Barbershop Getting Haircut Like a Human
This a Jackie. Jackie is a poodle mix. In this video posted to video, Jackie is sitting in a barber's chair getting a haircut like a human.
Here's Video of a Bolt Bus Bursting into Flames on Massachusetts Highway
A bus from New York City caught fire on the Massachusetts Turnpike in Newton. All 47 passengers on board the cheap-seat carrier were able retrieve ... 
Residents Protest Against Weave Shop Opening in Their Neighborhood
Some residents of South Fulton County, Georgia are livid that Beauty Master, a beauty supply store that sells weaves and wigs, will open in their ... 
If You Mistakenly Mailed 10 Bags of Weed Smothered in Peanut Butter to a Grocery Store, NYPD Would Like to Have a Word With You
The New York City Police Department says they were called to a grocery store in Brooklyn on Monday after a worker noticed a leafy, green substance i ... 
Dog Helps Push Owner's Wheelchair Through Flood Waters
Dogs are man's best friend and don't you forget it.
Sidebar: This happened somewhere in Russia. ...
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