Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Man Orders Size 14.5 Slipper, Gets Size 1,450 Instead

A 27-year-old British man named Tom Boddingham -- who has a size 13 right foot and 14.5 right foot -- recently ordered a custom slipper from a factory in China, but someone misread "size 14.5" and instead built a size 1,450 measuring 7ft long. Uh-oh! "I reckon I must be the owner of the biggest slipper in the world," Tom says. "I'm going to sell it online and if I can make a few quid out of it then all the better." We know why you're asking yourself why a grown man is doing ordering fuzzy slippers (we haven't a clue), but in case you're wondering why the factory made a size 1,450 slipper without asking questions, a spokesman said and employee failed to spot a decimal point in his order and they thought the slipper was for a store window display. They also apologized for the error and plans to send Tom the right sized slipper.

source: The Telegraph
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BunBun4life said...

OMG I would love to keep that giant slipper XD XD you could sleep in it!!

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