Monday, October 3, 2011

Racism Running Rampant at Michigan State University

If you're a black student at, or considering attending Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich., beware: you're not wanted. According to current black coeds, they've seen and heard about a rash of racially intimidating incidents within the past couple weeks -- including a dorm resident finding the n-word written on the dry-erase board hanging on her door, students entering a chemistry class found a black doll hanging by a mock noose tied to the ceiling tiles -- and then there's this: a student said she was in the cafeteria when she overheard a white student say: "This part of campus is becoming too black. Where do they come from? I am going to move. They don't belong here." Whaaaaat?!! The school says it's investigating. In the meantime, don't apply to MSU.

source: WJBK
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