Wednesday, November 30, 2011

White Man Driving Through Black Neighborhood Says He's Victim of Racial Profiling, Sues for $12 Million

Here's something you don't hear every day. A white man has slapped the city of Houston with a $12 million lawsuit claiming his civil rights were violated and he's the victim of racial profiling. According to the pro se lawsuit, Kelly D Allen says he was driving through a black neighborhood in June 2009 when cops pulled him over, handcuffed and searched him because a drug informant told them a white man was in the area buying weed. Kelly (not pictured) says he was released once the informant told officers they had the wrong man. He is suing for $400,000 in mental anguish and $12 million in punitive damages, claiming he suffered "severe personal injury because he could not use his hands to hold on to anything" while he was cuffed. He says he filed a complaint with HPD Internal Affairs Division, but that case was quickly dismissed without an investigation. The utterly frivolous case against the City of Houston will he heard next March. Good luck with that.

source: KPRC


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