Thursday, December 1, 2011

WATCH: Store Fires Man After Robbery, Church Bans Interracial Couple

Here's a story that will infuriate you. Last month, a robber walked into a Family Dollar store in Detroit and pointed a gun at Steven Cobb, demanding he hand over all of the money in the cash register. Steven complied. Last Saturday, the company fired Steven because he "had too much money in [his] drawer at the time of the robbery." What?!?????!!!!

Meanwhile, in New Bedford, Mass, Priyank Patel, a convenience store clerk wanted to keep his job. And he took a stab wound to the chest for it.

Franshawn Ricketts of Wilmington, Del. was hit with a $3,223 water bill. That's something she can't afford. She contacted the utility company telling them they must've made a error, but they told Franshawn she's responsible and her water will be disconnected in a few days if she doesn't pay up. Franshawn, the genius that she is, has a plan to outsmart the water company, however: move out of the apartment and the water company will forget about it. Good luck with that.

Police day a man attacked his father in the woods somewhere in Waxahacie, Texas. The father shoots him twice. That'll learn him.

We've posted it before, but someone done did a mash-up of it and yes, it's still very sad.

Last Wednesday, Kim Nelson was rushed to a Portland, Ore. hospital after complaining about stomach pains. To everyone's surprise -- especially Kim's -- she gave birth to a 7-pounds-12-ounce baby girl a few hours later

Erika Pope and her brother, Tony, were doing some construction in their bathroom when they found $60 in the wall. Quick! Alert the media!

For several years, Ticha Chikuni (who's black) and his girlfriend Stella Harville attended the Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church in Pike County, Ohio. Then they got married. Uh-oh! The church then voted to ban interracial couples. Silly us, we thought God was about love and acceptance.

Chris Petrasek, a 48-year-old middle school math teacher, will probably spend a few years in jail because he spanked three boys for missing questions on tests, getting low grades and talking out of turn.

The 2012 Grammy Awards nominations were announced last night and Beyoncé was essentially snubbed. This YouTuber is spitting mad.


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