Friday, December 16, 2011

Idiot Jailed For Threatening to Kill President Obama After Hospital Refused to Perform Surgery on His Wife

A judge has sentenced 45-year-old David Williams of Attala County, Mississippi to 10 months in federal prison for threatening to kill President Barack Obama and blow up a hospital that refused surgery for his wife. According to the Secret Service, David (pictured) called the University of Mississippi Medical Center on July 19 to schedule surgery for his wife. When officials at the hospital him they wouldn't perform the surgery, he threatened to blow up it up and kill the president and used a racial epithet to describe the president. He pleaded guilty Aug. 31 to two charges: threatening the president and using a telephone to threaten to damage a building with explosives. He could have faced up to 15 years in prison. Jack Mazurak, a hospital spokesman, has said privacy laws prohibit him from disclosing details about Williams' wife's ailments. McCormick's statement said only that Williams' wife went to the hospital for various health problems, but did not say exactly what was wrong with her. Sidebar: In addition to the jail time, the judge also sentenced David to three years supervised release and alcohol and anger management classes.

Speaking of crazies, a nut job from Alabama has filed a lawsuit to block President Obama's name from appearing on the 2012 election ballot because, according to the nut job, President Obama has a forged birth certificate and is ineligible to be on the Alabama Democratic Primary ballot because he is not a citizen. In his legal filing, nut job Albert E Hendershot Jr writes: "Barack Hussein Obama, II, is not a natural-born citizen and is not qualified to be on the ballot as a presidential candidate. In 2008, when Mr. Obama ran for the U.S. Presidency, he was never vetted and he never provided documentary evidence of his natural-born status." He claims he has "staggering" evidence that the president is using a fraudulently obtained social security number issued in Connecticut and claims the Obama birth certificate from Hawaii is a forgery and says he has other evidence of misrepresentation, fraud and identity theft. This ought to be interesting. Who knows what other information nut job Albert E Hendershot Jr may possess. Maybe he has insights as to the location of the WMDs. Who shot JR? Where's Osama bin Laden's body buried?

sources : AP | The Birmingham News


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