Speaking of crazies, a nut job from Alabama has filed a lawsuit to block President Obama's name from appearing on the 2012 election ballot because, according to the nut job, President Obama has a forged birth certificate and is ineligible to be on the Alabama Democratic Primary ballot because he is not a citizen. In his legal filing, nut job Albert E Hendershot Jr writes: "Barack Hussein Obama, II, is not a natural-born citizen and is not qualified to be on the ballot as a presidential candidate. In 2008, when Mr. Obama ran for the U.S. Presidency, he was never vetted and he never provided documentary evidence of his natural-born status." He claims he has "staggering" evidence that the president is using a fraudulently obtained social security number issued in Connecticut and claims the Obama birth certificate from Hawaii is a forgery and says he has other evidence of misrepresentation, fraud and identity theft. This ought to be interesting. Who knows what other information nut job Albert E Hendershot Jr may possess. Maybe he has insights as to the location of the WMDs. Who shot JR? Where's Osama bin Laden's body buried?
sources : AP | The Birmingham News
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