Thursday, January 5, 2012

WATCH: Mom Blames EMTs' Slow Response For Son's Death, Party Store Beatdown

Dis don't make no sense. It's unbedebable. Last Sunday, 26-year-old Greg Thomas was shot in the torso after getting into an argument with a man outside his mother's home in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Gloristine Thomas says she waited 25 minutes for paramedic to arrive and she believes if they had arrived sooner her son, who wanted to be a rapper, would be alive today. We could be wrong, but isn't the person who shot her son responsible for his death? Sidebar: Police say the call came in at 3:51am and paramedics were on the scene 9 minutes later. The shooter remains at large, so if you know anything, call police.

Terry Anderson says he was returning bottles at a Detroit party store last night, when two two employees attacked him. Terry (who suffered a broken nose and ankle) says it was a racially-motivated attack and the perpetrators attempted to clean up the blood from the store's floor to cover up their crime.

This gentleman -- driving a stolen car on three tires and a rim into oncoming traffic for several minutes down a high way in Fort Worth, Texas this morning -- says he's glad he was caught and doesn't deserve your pity.

Sh!t white girls say to black girls will inevitable spawn a rebuttal. We. Can't. Wait. (While we all wait, watch the other videos here.)


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