Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WATCH: Customer Service Rep Goes on Racist Tirade, Shady Piano Teacher Goes on the Run, Lady Gets Stabby When Boyfriend Forgets Valentine's Day Gift

Ohmigod! This right here is just unbelievable. Kaneshia Jenkins was looking for a job online for her husband when she came upon a listing from Nels Finance -- a company that lists jobs around the world and provides criminal background checks for $177. She says she paid the fee, but when she didn't hear back from the company, she called them up and requested a refund because their reviews were horrible. She was about to learn firsthand why. The "customer service representative" unleashed on Kaneshia in an 8-minute racist and bigoted rant. Here's a sampling of what the rep said: "I would love to turn this over to our attorneys they'll go for prosecution in Texas for theft of services because we did the work and you're not going to beat us out of our money. You people are famous for that. For stealing, lying. That's why the prisons in Texas off black people so much with lethal injections. We know about you black people because that's what takes up the jails and welfare are n*****s." I can't!!!

There's a special place in hell (if one does exists) for John Stonko. He's a piano instructor who goes around town telling students he has a PhD from Emory University and is a faculty member there. Furthermore, he solicits donations for up to $160,000 to help orphanages -- that would be noble, if it were true. When the Atlanta Fox affiliate showed up to confront it, the stunt queen led the reporter on a wild goose chase from rooms to buildings to roof tops. It's all kinds of hilarious. Run, John, Run!!!!

Equally as amusing .... police officers in Atlantic Beach, Florida are fearful for their health because of the smell of weed in the station's evidence room.

Last Saturday, a man in his 40s was wheeled out of a the Heart Attack Grill in downtown Las Vegas on a gurney after he suffered the heart attack was in the middle of eating a Triple Bypass burger. The restaurant, which refers to its customers as "patients" and waitresses as "nurses" (the owner is called "doctor"), has plenty of signs telling people the food ids bad of for their health. In fact, at the entrance there's a huge sign that reads: "CAUTION! This establishment is bad for your health." People over 350 pounds eat for free and the "quadruple bypass burger" exceeds 8,000 calories. BTW: The man is alive and recuperating.

Residents of Presidential Boutique Condotel in DeKalb County, Georgia are shocked that they were forced to move because the building had no heat or electricity. The building owners were late on paying their bills because only two tenants of the 16-floor building paid their rent since last June.

Christy Falls of Gastonia, NC is considering suing a local pediatrician botched her 3-month-old son's circumcision. She fears little Josiah will suffer long-term "complication" and someone's gotta pay. At least she didn't try to perform the surgery herself, right?. Sidebar: According to many experts, the act of mutilating your young boys is completely unnecessary. Power to the turtleneck! No?

Shock! Touch screen phones, ATM screens and kiosks harbor germs. And, oh, here's some breaking news: the sky is blue!

Meanwhile, do you hate your old, saggy, ugly knees? There's a a surgery for that. It's not cheap, though. The knee "contouring" procedure costs between $5500 an $8000.

Yusra Farhan's religious beliefs don't gel with the laws of the United States and she's clueless. The Iraqi immigrant along with her husband Mohammed Altameemi, 45, and daughter Tabarak Altameemi, 18, were arrested for aggravated assault in a November after they beat and burned their 19-year-old daughter on her chest with a hot spoon when she refused to participate in an arranged marriage with a 38-year-old man. Then last week, the 19-year-old was beat up again by her mom because she was speaking with a boy at her high school. Yusra was re-arrested today and charged with aggravated assault.

All cops' first instinct isn't to shoot first, ask questions later, apparently -- even if you bite him. Christopher Moll, 33, was annoyed with several children in the lobby of a Phoenix motel, so he pshyically tried to remove a 5-year-old boy. When a parent called place, Christopher, who has retreated to his room, bit the officer and then tried to escape by jumping out of the second-story window -- head first. But then it gets better: Christopher got up and stabbed an officer with a shard of glass. He was Tasered and arrested.

Real estate agent Robert Cross is trying to make a buck off Whitney Houston's death. He's trying to sell the late singer's mansion in Mendham, NJ -- where "Being Bobby Brown" arguably where the most awesomest reality show, was filmed -- for $1.75 million by referring to the home as the "scene of the activity that brought the musical diva down." (Sidebar: See the listing with photos, here.)

Mother of The Year Emily Rosenberger was arrested for snorting cocaine at her 8-year-old daughter's Valentine's Day school party.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, so when 22-year-old Kierra Reed's boyfriend(?) didn't buy her a gift by 11:30pm, she tried to cut through his bedroom door with a knife while threatening she was stab him to death. Good times.

More than 350 inmates died a horrible death when a huge fire ripped through a prison in Comayagua, Honduras. Inmates heard screams as the fire engulfed the prison, trapping inmates in their cells. Many of the bodies recovered from the gutted complex were so charred, officials said they would need to use dental records and DNA to identify them.


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