Monday, February 27, 2012

WATCH: DIY Divorce, Forget It!

Jessie Armstrong, 60, of Atlanta will likely face murder charges after his 43-year-old wife was found dead in their home. The man told police five Japanese man broke into the home around after midnight on Sunday then raped and strangled his wife, Denise. Yep, cops didn't buy that story either. He might as well as said ninjas descended up on his home, karate chopped him and tried to kidnap his wife. Anyhoo, as police await the coroner's report, Jessie was slapped with battery charges.

"...and that's when she noticed another boy's penis was on my son's leg." Wait, what?! Sherri Loika says her son was sodomized in a restroom at Tabor City Elementary School (that's in North Carolina ) by a 5-year-old classmate and the school is trying to push it under the rug. (Sidebar: In information not provided in the video below, according to Sherri, her son's attacker kept saying "dick" and "a**hole" called her son a "b*tch while sodomizing him. You know what? I just can't! Can. Not!

Nelvil Hollingsworth -- a Baton Rough, La. public defender -- was arrested Saturday when he tried to smuggled weed into a prison for a prisoner.

Forget you, you motherfogether! This man, who was jailed for uttering a cuss word, went to a Seattle city council meeting to let city attorney Mark Sidran HAVE IT! Forget! This is forgetting awesome!

Ken Goldsmith is the tenant from hell -- and, it seems, the courts or law enforcement can't do anything about him.

Movie: The Movie is gonna be epic.


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