Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WATCH: Man Drinks Gasoline, Lights Himself on Fire; Woman Attacks Son's Drug Dealer

Poor Gary Allen. The 43-year-old man drank accidentally from a container sitting on a friend's kitchen sink. He spit out the fuel onto his clothes then several hours later went outside to smoke a cigarette and burst into flames. He died this morning.

Michael Brown, 43, was charged in Oklahoma County, Okla. on Monday after he assaulted his girlfriend after she refused to give him her tax refund card. When the beating didn't yield the desired result, Michael stuck a running garden hose down the woman's throat, in an attempt to drown her.

A woman gave birth to her first grandchild early Tuesday morning. Wait, what? Sandy Lawrence, 48 of Myrtle, Missouri offered to become a surrogate for her son and his wife, who's unable to bear her own biological children after having a hysterectomy four years ago.

Police in Clinton, Mississippi are who's the donkey who listed a posting on Craigslist this afternoon advertising a "free baby."

Sherrie Gavan is doing her best to save her son and keep him away from drugs. So, when she learned a neighbor was supplying her 20-year-old son with heroin, she (along with her baseball bat) went to confront the drug dealer. Sherrie says she felt threatened, so she hit him with a baseball bat several times. Cops have charged her with assault, she doesn't understand why.

Pastor Steve Riggle of Grace Community Church and a card-caring member of the religious right -- and Republican Party. He recently wrote a letter asking for the gay mayor of Houston, Annise Parker, to resign because she -- like more than 100 other mayors across the country -- supports same-sex marriage. We don't even read the Bible, but thanks to Google we found this Bible verse: "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." Pastor Riggle and his cult followers should highlight that and discuss it during their Bible study.

Rebecca Gibson said she was kidnapped then raped by two men who asked if she needed a ride. She says she awoke the next morning in a laundry facility about a half-mile from her apartment complex. She said she walked back to her apartment and grabbed some clothes. From there, she walked to her boyfriend's home where she says she got into a heated argument with him. He "completely flipped out" claiming she was out all night with calling him. Then he called police, to report she had broken into his home. When officers arrived, Rebecca was nude and was hiding in a closet. Officers ordered her to leave the closet, but she refused, telling them about her ordeal the night before; she requested they call a female officer to come to the scene. The cops forcibly removed her from the closet, punching her in the face he "fractured the right orbital in my face,." Then they (the cops) bragged about what they've done.

Adrian Kline has worked for several mortuaries in Colorado was arrested for taking gold crowns on teeth from the dead and selling them to pawn brokers and gold shops.

Jose Ayala, 36, showed up at a Sacramento business asking for a job interview. He was naked. Drugs are a hellavua drug.

Meanwhile, in Beijing, China, a police officer stopped a woman from jumping off a bridge with her baby.


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