Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WATCH: Idiots Butt-Dial Cops During Drug Deal, New Male Birth Control

Don't do drugs. A couple from Palm Bay, Florida is sitting behind bars after they butt-dialed 911 during a cocaine buy. The phone was still on while they did the coke. We're not sure how long the call lasted (it sounds like it was went on for at least 20 minutes), but boy were they startled when cops pulled their car over.

Don Cornelius, who committed suicide last week, was remembered at a public memorial in Chicago.

Take a good look at Michelle Weissman. If she looks familiar, you (and your wife) should go to the doctor to get an HIV test. The 36-year-old pr0stitute was arrested during a sting operation in Lake Worth, Florida and during questioning admitted to investigators she has sex with at least 35 men per week for the past three years without telling them she's HIV-positive.

While playing around with a therapeutic ultrasound machine, typically used in physical therapy sessions to treat muscle injuries, researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found it can serve as a male birth control option. We don't know how they found this out, but they say it kills sperm.

Mother of the Year Jeanifer Lee Segrest, 38, has finally been arrested after being on the run for two years for selling her 5- and 6-year-old daughters to a pedophile for three years in exchange for $54,000.

WTH! Thomas Andrew Woods, 25, is out his darn mind. He was caught on surveillance camera trying to kidnap a 7-year-old girl from a west Georgia Walmart on Wednesday. According to police, Thomas -- who's on parole after serving 7 years for manslaughter -- started talking to Brittney Baxter in the toy aisle of the Walmart and then grabbed her and put his hand around her mouth. The girl kicked and screamed and he let her go then fled the store. (The child's mother was only a few feet away during the botched abduction.)


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