Thursday, March 1, 2012

Paula Abdul Furious That Janet Jackson Wants 'X Factor' Job: report

There's a war brewing between Janet Jackson and Paula Abdul, apparently. According to the National Enquirer, the two women -- who were former BFFs until Paula jumped off with Janet's brother, breaking up his marriage -- are not on good terms, so when Paula heard Janet is petitioning Simon Cowell to hire her to join the judging panel of "The X Factor," Paula blew a gasket and is Allegedly.
In late January, Paula, 49, announced she would not be returning as a judge for the second season of the hit FOX shoe, and insiders say Janey, 45, immediately put out the word that she wanted the gig. And that infuriated Paula! Although Paula had insisted in her parting statement that she harbored no bad feelings about leaving, a source says the truth was that the former "American Idol" judge was "very, very angry." Meanwhile, the tension between the women dates back to 1983, when Janet accused Paula of being a home wrecker for dating her still-married brother, Jackie. The two had been best pals at the time, but the friendship collapsed when Paula, who was cheerleader for the Los Angeles Lakers at the time, hot caught in the middle of Jackie's messy divorce. "Janet felt responsible because it was through their friendship that Paula got to know Jackie," explained the source. "Jackie flipped for her right away and even told his family he could see himself marrying her one day. Things got murkier because there were rumors that Paula was dating some of the lakers players behind Jackie's back. The bottom line is Janet and the rest of the Jackson family thought Paula treated Jackie pretty badly. They eventually kind of made up, but things were never the same between them." And now that Paula has left "The X Factor," Janet is anxious to take her spot. "Janet would give her eyeteeth to get hired by Simon Cowell, and she's rumored to have been in discussions with 'X Factor' producers for weeks," continued the source. "But once Paula heard about Janet's plan, it tore open all the old wounds from the past. Janet's the last person she wants to see going 'X Factor." Paula feels Janet is now the enemy and she's very upset. And Janet feels she's finally evening an old score."

source: National Enquirer, March 12, print edition
That is all. Carry on.

UPDATE, March 2: Janet, who says she never took any meetings with Simon to discuss her joining the show, has taken her hat out of the ring. She tells The Insider she's "very flattered that X Factor let me know that I was being considered for next season, but it just wouldn't be possible." Maybe she's recording a new album? Filming a movie? Counting her money? Watering her garden? Or she didn't want to piss Paula off any further?


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