Thursday, March 1, 2012

WATCH: Woman 'Buys Black' For One Year + Man Steals Pay Phone

For an entire year Maggie Anderson went on a "buy black" experiment which basically means she only supported businesses owned by African-Americans in Chicago for a full year. She's now chronicled her experience into a book, which should be an interesting read.

Kenneth Richard Mazik of Chadds Ford, Pa. has a death wish -- or just crazy. The 24-year-old drove through a gate and onto the runway at Philadelphia International Airport this morning. According to witnesses, Kenneth was parked outside the gate waiting for one of the planes to come in for a landing. As an incoming plane approached he then allegedly accelerated - blasting through the gate and onto airport property. All inbound and outbound air traffic was stopped for a short period of time. Kenneth was charged with driving under the influence and reckless endangerment.

"I feel like a monster because I can't recognize my face. Kids are just looking at me crazy. This is ridiculous. My face is swollen. My scalp is all blistered. My hair is falling out. I just feel like the elephant man or something," says Patrice Washington who suffered an allergic reaction that left her face swollen after getting her hair dyed.

Police in Philadelphia have put out an APB for this man, who stole a pay phone, valued at $1565, from a pole at 12:37pm on Feb. 25. . [The theft-ation occurs around the 2:48 mark.]

Crystal Cross, a 28-year-old Atlanta woman says a Georgia State Patrol trooper beat the daylight out of her -- and she has pictures and an audio recording to prove it. The woman says she was driving when she noticed police lights behind her. She didn't stop until she arrived at her destination. The officer, believing she was fleeing, pulled her out of the vehicle and "started hitting [her] on the ground with his baton and his fist." The officer paints a different picture. In the police report, he says Crystal was resisting, so he had to defend himself. She suffered a broken nose and black eyes. Upon her release from the hospital, Crystal was also arrested and charged with battery, fleeing, obstruction, DUI and failure to dim headlights.

Here we go again. At a press conference this morning in Phoenix, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said President Obama's birth certificate is not authentic and will request a criminal investigation. For six months, he says, his "Cold Case Posse" has been investigating the authenticity of those documents to see if there's been any fraud or forgery involved. Arpaio said he is not accusing the president of the crime. He said they will investigate who is behind the "possible forgery and fraud." These people need to accept the fact that Barack Obama is a US citizen and president of the United States -- and, oh, yes, will be re-elected in November.


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