Residents of the Retreats at Twin Lakes subdivision -- where Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman on Feb. 26 -- say they're all for a permanent memorial dedicated to the unarmed teenager, but they don't want it in their backyards. Or should we say,
front yards.
"This was a tragedy to the Martin family, as we understand, but it hasn't played out yet," said Frank Taafe, a Zimmerman supporter and former neighbor. "Let's let this thing play out, because I know who the aggressor was and I know who the victim was." Monday, Taaffe began going door-to-door with a pre-emptive strike to prevent a permanent reminder from being placed outside his neighborhood gates. As Taaffe gathers signatures from his neighbors, the city manager and mayor told Local 6 there has not been any official proposal made to create a permanent memorial anywhere. However, Mayor Jeff Triplett confirmed there was a discussion last week with Martin family supporters. Though nothing has been decided, that's not stopping people from signing a petition before any proposal is made. "We've [got] no problem with memorials. If they want to place one in downtown Sanford, fine. Just don't put it in front of our place here," said Taaffe. "I just hope and pray that everyone realizes that a tragedy did happen here and no one's gloating over this." Taaffe said he and others plan to present the petition to the city commission meeting next week and Tuesday there will be a homeowner's association meeting where he's hoping to discuss the petition and gather more signatures.
source: WKMG
Coincidentally, the city removed the makeshift memorial (pictured, above) outside of the subdivision last week. It's now being stored at the Sanford city museum.
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