Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Attorney Jailed For Trashing Office, Drawing Penises on Walls After Eviction

Thomas Corea is a nut job. The disbarred Dallas attorney -- who was charged last September with four felonies for alleging stealing more than $200,000 from his clients -- was thrown back in jail this morning after his landlord said Thomas vandalized his property and drew penises all over the walls after being evicted last month for non-payment of rent.

When the president of the real estate company that represents the building, Doug Molny, showed up the next day to check out the property, he found “complete destruction,” including “penis graffiti on every single wall throughout the building,” Molny said. Written next to some of the penises was the name Doug. Molny said it appeared someone took a sledgehammer to granite counters. Doors, light fixtures, cabinets and appliances were destroyed or removed. There was feces and urine on the floor, Molny said. Prosecutor Jacob Harris presented photos of some of the damage, including a derogatory message directed at an Arizona judge who found him in contempt of court in an unrelated case. The message included the judge’s name and a phone number with a 505 area code. Corea, who did not testify, was wearing a dark suit and sitting next to attorney John Gussio. At one point while Molny was testifying, Snipes ordered Corea to “refrain from making faces at the witness.”

source: Dallas Morning News

The damages to the office adds up to more than $100,000.


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