Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Barack Obama Wins Re-election!!!

Congratulations are in order to president Barack Obama who won a second term as president of the United States tonight by a huge margin. Thankfully, the electorate was smart enough to look beyond Romney and the Republican's party's lies and attempts to suppress votes. Forward!


11:40 pm: Romney is contesting the results in Ohio and is refusing to make a concession speech.

11:48pm: The president posted several tweets to supporters.

12:55am, Nov 7: Romney accepts defeat, concedes election.

1:10am: Here's the president's amazing victory speech.

1:15am In other election news... Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize the recreational use and commercial sale of marijuana (up to 1 ounce) to residents over the age of 21. Same-sex marriage became legalized (by a popular vote) in Maine and Maryland. And, Jessie Jackson Jr. won a huge re-election to House of Representatives, despite the fact he's hospitalized with mental health illness and did not campaign.

1:20am Meanwhile, on Fox News...they continue their hatred against blacks, Hispanics and women "who want stuff....and feel they are entitled to things." Now you see why your guy lost. Stop the hatred!

Another crazy Republican went on a tirade on Twitter. He's called for a "revolution" and called the election results a "total sham and a travesty." You can probably guess who said that. He tweeted: "Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble, like never before...Let's fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us...We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!" No one is more divisive than this blowhard with the bad hair. Go away!

Forget him! Let's listen to Mariah Carey's new song, "Bring it On Home," dedicated the president's re-election.

And let's watch ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer act a fool. Was she drunk?

And let's watch Blake Burman, a reporter at WSVN in Miami, get his black rappers mixed up.


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