Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pastor Assaulted Men During 'Ex-Gay' Therapy

Ryan Jay Muehlhauser, the senior pastor at Lakeside Christian Church in Isanti Township, Minnesota is self-hating perv. The 55-year-old gay pastor runs a program out of his church that supposedly changes a person's sexual orientation. Before we go on, gay isn't a disorder that needs fixing and both the American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association have lambasted the "ex-gay" movement because it's dangerous and doesn't work. Now back to the pastor Muehlhauser. He was arrested Tuesday on charges of criminal sexual conduct involving two young men who trusted him as a spiritual advisor. The victims tell investigators that during counseling sessions Muehlhauser would be physical with them, touching their shoulders and legs and giving them hugs. They say that behavior eventually led to sexual touching, kissing and masturbation. One victim told investigators the pastor touched their genitals to "bless" them. Muehlhauser told the victims that the Lord was telling him what to do. That's what Bishop Eddie Long told his victims, too. source: KARE


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