Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hello, 911? Why Are Cops Chasing Me? Speeding You Say? OK, Pay Me $300,000 and I'll Pull Over. That is My Fee!

This lady is batsh*t crazy. There is no other way to say it. Around 11:25pm on Monday, she was driving at a high rate of speed through Brunswick County, SC when cops signaled for her to pull over. She didn't stop. Instead, she called 911 and placed this epic call demanding officers pay her $300,000 to pull over because they were creating a "false sense of emergency" and she wasn't going to stop driving because she wasn't speeding.


Sidebar: After telling the 911 operator: "My mother named me Jenna and that's the only name I have. That is my name. My name is what I say it is and I approve this message," she stopped because the road she was driving on was a dead end. By this time, six police cruisers were chasing her. She was arrested and charged with DWI, felony fleeing to elude arrest, driving while license revoked, careless and reckless driving and driving left of center. She also faces a charge for an outstanding arrest warrant on a failure to appear on a pending DWI case in the county.

Sidebar 2: 911 operators are some of the most patient and polite people. I couldn't.

Update, Dec. 12: Here's video of her arrest. (During the arrest, she told police she's a "sovereign citizen.")

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