Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mother Stabs Sons' Bullies

What would you do to protect you children who were being bullied? Call the police? Ahem, 33-year-old Nora Silva of Orlando decided to get stabby. She was arrested and charged with aggravated battery on a child after she stabbed two boys in the back with a box cutter on Monday. She told investigators she did so to protect her children, who were being attacked by a group of more than 15 boys. The victims say it's Norma's sons who were the aggressors. But in a shocking twist, Nora's 63-year-old mother, Esther Silva, told police she was the person who stabbed the kids. Nice try, granny. The scene was caught on surveillance camera and witnesses fingered Nora as the stabber.

source: WFTV


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