Thursday, March 6, 2014

Yet Another Mother Tries to Commit Suicide With Her Kid Inside Car

Earlier this week, a pregnant woman tried to commit a murder-suicide by driving her car into the Atlantic Ocean with her three kids strapped inside the vehicle. She failed. Also this week, a Chicago woman was arrested and ordered held on $1 million bond after she tried to commit a murder-suidice by crashing her SUV into another vehicle. When cops tried to catch up with her, she crashed her SUV into another vehicle then smashed into a house. Elizabeth Kruger, 28, was charged with attempted murder, two counts of aggravated battery, aggravated fleeing and eluding, leaving the scene of an accident, endangering the life of a child and a multitude of traffic offenses. She was ordered held on a $1 million bond. The baby, who was strapped into a car seat, survived and is hospitalized in good condition. The other two drivers also suffered non life-threatening injuries. No one was injured inside the house.

source: WBBM


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