Monday, May 12, 2014

Jay Z Has 99 Problems and Solange is One

Baby, this is some drama. The folks over at TMZ obtained this ↑↑↑ epic elevator footage of Solange attacking her brother-in-law, Jay Z, in the elevator at the Standard Hotel, following the Met Ball after-party in the Boom Boom Room earlier this month. In the video, which has no sound, Solange is seen screaming and violently assaulting Jay Z as Mrs Carter looked on.
A large man -- who appears to be a bodyguard -- attempts to hold Solange back, but she manages to connect at least 3 times. At one point Solange throws a kick and Jay grabs her foot, but never attempts to strike her. Beyonce stands by without getting physically involved. And this is interesting. When you look closely, you see the bodyguard hit the emergency stop switch on the 12th floor -- mid fight -- presumably to keep the fight private. At one point, Solange smacks Jay with her purse ... spilling the contents all over the floor of the elevator. Eventually the group exits the elevator ... but not before Solange takes a few last shots. All three walked out of the building together -- Solange looks pissed -- but while Bey and Solange get in one car ... security walks Jay to a different one.

source: TMZ

It's unclear what triggered the fight, but the folks over at RadarOnline have are inferring Solonge's weed smoking is to blame.
This is just the latest erratic behavior from the DJ and singer, who abruptly cancelled her European tour last summer amid rumors of drug use. Indeed, Beyonce’s sister has been an admitted drug user for years. In 2008, she wrote an ode to marijuana called “Champagne Chronic Nightcap,” and confirmed to the press that it was about lighting up. “I am unapologetic,” she wrote. “I don’t write about things unless they’re true!” In February, 2009, she tweeted about ending up in the hospital after a Nyquil overdose, and a few months later admitted that she thought her drug use was affecting her mind. “I don’t even smoke weed that often, but I’m finding I can’t remember things,” she tweeted on Sept. 1, 2009. The next year, she admitted to smoking “a joint or two” while recording, and in 2011, she blatantly tweeted fans looking for drugs. “Is weed taboo in NYC?” she wrote. “Like, why can’t I ever find any?” Just a few months ago, she continued the drug talk during an interview on Hot 97, telling host Angie Martinez that her new album was “a new-age women’s Mary Jane record,” insisting, “We endorse [weed].”

source: RadarOnline
They are also reporting Solange deleted all but one of her photos of her sister from her Instagram.

Days after the attack, Mrs Carter posted this cryptic prayer to her Instagram account.

Meanwhile, a source tells Us Weekly, "Solange flipped out over something Jay had said, that she took the wrong way. She took it too hard or too far. Not sure what it was, but she greatly overreacted."

As expected, the Internet has exploded and everyone is wondering what caused Solange to attack Jay Z. Some folks on Twitter have some ideas.

Sidebar: A couple weeks ago, Saturday Night Live debuted The Beygency.

UPDATE, May 15: The Standard Hotel fired the employee who sold the video to TMZ for reportedly $250,000. (Other reports claim it actually sold for $50,000 to $100,000.) Whatever it was, it was worth it. In addition, Jay Z, Beyonce and Solange released this joint statement to the AP: "As a result of the public release of the elevator security footage from Monday, May 5th, there has been a great deal of speculation about what triggered the unfortunate incident. But the most important thing is that our family has worked through it," the statement said. "Jay and Solange each assume their share of responsibility for what has occurred. They both acknowledge their role in this private matter that has played out in the public. They both have apologized to each other and we have moved forward as a united family....The reports of Solange being intoxicated or displaying erratic behavior throughout that evening are simply false. At the end of the day families have problems and we're no different. We love each other and above all we are family. We've put this behind us and hope everyone else will do the same."

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