Thursday, August 21, 2014

Talib Kweli Challenges Don Lemon Over CNN's Coverage of Ferguson Protests

Imma let you finish, but.... Rapper, activist (raptivist?) Talib Kweli is in Ferguson, Missouri to protest the killing of Michael Brown, the unarmed 18-year-old who was shot dead by a police officer on August 9. This afternoon he appeared on "Wolf," which was being guest hosted by Don Lemon (how he doing!), but the interview never took off because Talib accused CNN of being biased and inaccurate with its reporting of the protests and accused Don of disrespecting him by not introducing himself before they went live on-air; he even threatened to walk out of the interview several times if he's not heard. Even though producers were telling Don to wrap up this interview, he relented because he wanted to have the conversation because it's important he lectures Talib on the art of the interview.

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