Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Apollo Nida Fails to Report to Prison, Chooses to Film Scene For Reality Show Instead

Stunt queen Apollo Nida, who was convicted of fraud this summer, failed to turn himself in to a minimum-security federal prison in Lexington, Kentucky to start an eight-year sentence. Instead, he decided to go pay his wife, Phaedra Parks, a visit and give her a piece of his mind because she would not deposit money into his prison account. And -- and you sitting down? -- the cameras for their Bravo reality show were rolling. Shocking! We know!
Jail break! In a surprising twist, Real Housewives of Atlanta star Apollo Nida bailed on jail on Wednesday, Sept. 10. It was supposed to be the first day of his 8-year prison sentence, but Us Weekly has learned from Phaedra Parks' rep that her husband opted out, instead heading over to Parks’ house, where he went off on the author and reality star. Nida, who was found guilty of bank fraud, showed up at the home with a friend while Bravo cameras were filming, and became enraged that his wife had changed the locks. A source tells Us Weekly, “It was the most bizarre thing. Everyone thought he was already at jail this morning. He drove himself to jail and was supposed to be there by noon. So Bravo came over to her house to start filming her coming home and all that stuff. The whole Bravo crew saw it – it’s all on tape. Everyone was shocked.” Parks' husband verbally attacked her from their driveway, shouting, "You didn't come to my hearing!" Nida — who previously served six years in prison for auto loan fraud — was “running around the house like a lunatic for about 20 minutes. He was psychotic, not even making sense.” Fortunately, the couple’s two young sons, Ayden and Dylan, were down the street at a neighbor’s house during the outburst. The police were called, but didn’t arrive until after Nida and his friend had left. He was due to report to the authorities by noon, but clearly missed his deadline. No word yet on the penalties he will face for missing his deadline.

source: Us Weekly
We won't be surprised if all of this was orchestrated by RHoA producers because everybody knows that show is scripted and needs to manufacture more drama every season to draw in the ratings. We're on to them, though. Anywho, was convicted because he Apollo created several fake collection companies so he could get access to the personal information and credit history databases operated by companies like Equifax and Lexis-Nexis. These scheme started in 2009. It ended when the Secret Service confronted Apollo and seized his laptop in 2013. (He previously served five years in a federal prison for auto title fraud before marrying Phaedra in 2009.) In addition to this 8-year sentence, must pay up to $4.5 million in restitution. After his release from prison, he will he will serve five years of supervised release. As of this writing Wednesday night, the US Bureau of Prison's online inmate locator confirmed was not yet in custody. He was the prisoner number 65725-019. An arrest warrant has been issued. What are the chances there's a Bravo camera crew with him currently and will be there when he finally decides to turn himself in? We'll bet money on it.

Update, Sept 11: A prison spokesman confirmed to CNN Apollo is now in custody.

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