Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Stranger Stabs Pregnant Woman, Removes Baby From Womb

Whenever these crazy things happen, we are always left scratching our heads. Why? How? Why? This happened in Longmont, Colorado today:
A stranger stabbed a pregnant woman in Longmont and “removed” her baby police said. Officers were called to the 1600 block of Green Place at about 2:40 p.m. Wednesday on a reported stabbing. “Officers arrived on scene and could hear a female calling for help inside the home. Officers entered the home and located a female who had been beaten and stabbed in the stomach,” a statement from Longmont Police said. “It was later learned, the female was pregnant and her baby had been removed. The victim was transported to the Longmont United Hospital where she underwent surgery and is expected to recover.” Officers found the suspect, a 34-year-old woman, with a dead baby at Longmont United Hospital. They said she reported a miscarriage. “The suspect and victim were not known to each other prior to this incident,” the statement said. Detectives were obtaining a warrant to search the suspect’s home. They were expected to be there throughout Wednesday evening.

source: KDVR

[Update: According to police, the pregnant woman met the crazy person (stabber) through a Craigslist ad. She went to the stabber's home to buy baby clothes. The stabber is married and has two children. The stabber's husband drove her and the stolen baby to the hospital; he then returned home. The stabber -- who's identity has not been revealed -- is charged with attempted murder, assault and child abuse knowingly and recklessly resulting in death. Her husband hasn't been arrested. Yet. Update #2: The 26-year-old victim was 7 months pregnant at the time of the attack. The stabber has been identified as Dynel Catrece Lane, pictured, above. According to reports she held a certified nurse aide license in 2010. It expired in 2012. Additionally, it's being reported Dynel is registered on a pregnancy website and lists a due date in November 2014. Longmont Police spokesman Jeff Satur said that her husband believes she had a miscarriage.)

Craziness we tell you, craziness! Also in Longmont, Colorado: 34-year-old Omar Martinez stabbed and killed his 69-year-old father, and then stabbed and badly wounded his 58-year-old mother before stabbing himself to death.

source: KCNC


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