Thursday, December 4, 2008

NeNe responds. She was NOT evicted

Our favorite housewife NeNe responded to the reports that she and her family were evicted from their Altanta-area rental home - the one feature on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta."

“The recent rumors alleging that my family faced an eviction are a huge misunderstanding and grossly inaccurate. I am truly blessed to enjoy a wonderful life and lifestyle. We have indeed moved to another home, but we did so on our own free will. We live in an absolutely beautiful home and we are fortunate to be able to live in the place of our choice. Unfortunately, there are many families who are facing real foreclosures and real evictions. That is not and never was the case with us. I know where we live and how we live, and for those blessings I am humbly thankful. It is disappointing that many members of the media have chosen to report gossip instead of news. Without wasting time on the details, the only thing I will say is that we were NOT evicted. Everybody knows that I like to be honest, real and upfront. If something was wrong, I would tell you! Thank you for your well wishes. However, please know that my family continues to be abundantly blessed, and that Miss NeNe has not skipped a beat!”

We believe her. Miss NeNe doesn't strike us as someone who doesn't tell the truth. Plus, we find it hard to believe that they didn't have the $6,000+ to pay the arrears on the rent.

Can't wait for season two, girl.


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