Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Xzibit Backpedals. The Diddy Version

Interesting. Yesterday we featured a post about Xzibit basically outing Diddy, but today, he is retracting that soundbite, sorta. He says you (lol) has taken his words out of context.

The rumor mill that has ground this bulls**t out to be the s**t storm that it is, is doing so on its own accord. Like I said at the top, I have no beef with Diddy. BUT WAIT...a bigger problem I see is the negative stance these Hip-Hop sites and blog sites are taking when speaking of gay people in general. All I can say to that is: PEOPLE GROW UP! I do NOT like to spread hate and make it a point not to do so, so this is not the way I intended this interview to unfold. You heard it directly from me ladies and gents, Im looking forward to the issues at hand that really mean something to both my fans and Diddy’s as well: ART & MUSIC.”

We hear what you're saying Xzibit, but Diddy did or did not take you to a gay club? And for the record: WENDYISTA has love for the kids.



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