As investigators try to determine how actor David Carradine wound up hanging naked and dead in a Bangkok hotel closet with a rope tied around his genitals, a review of divorce court filings shows that his most recent ex-wife once accused the actor of "deviant sexual behavior which was potentially deadly."
Additionally, Marina Anderson alleged in a sworn declaration that Carradine engaged in an "incestuous relationship with a very close family member."
Anderson's declaration was filed in mid-2003 in Los Angeles Superior Court (the document was supposed to be filed under seal but was mistakenly placed in the public court file, where The Smoking Gun found it).
The declaration does not detail Carradine's alleged "deviant sexual behavior."
As for the incest charge, Anderson reported that Carradine and the unnamed relative admitted the taboo relationship, but that her "pleas for him to get counseling in regards to this matter were ignored and he wanted no part in the healing process the other person needed in order to get closure."
Anderson, who was married to Carradine for four years, told TSG she stands by the allegations in her court filing, but declined to further discuss her charges.
A Bangkok police official told reporters that investigators were examining whether Carradine accidentally suffocated while engaging in an autoerotic sex act, most likely to be ”erotic asphyxiation", which is defined as intentionally cutting off oxygen to the brain for sexual arousal.
According to CNN, a hotel maid found the actor sitting in a wardrobe with “a yellow nylon rope was tied around the actor’s neck and a black rope was around his genitals.”
Does it mention that Carradine and his wife are/were $cientologists? Might explain why he was offed and the autopsy will take longer...
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