Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In-Laws Sue Comedian For Making Fun of Them in Her Act

The in-laws of comedian Sunda Croonquist are suing her for making fun of them in her act.

The lawsuit was filed by mother-in-law Ruth Zafrin, her daughter, Shelley Edelman, and Shelley's husband, Neil, and claims Sunda is spreading false, defamatory and racist lies, reports the AP.

Sunda, pictured above with husband and mother-in-law, is half-black, half-Swedish, and converted to Judaism before she met her husband and jokes about growing around these cultures as part of her stand up.

For instance:
Or her first visit to her mother-in-law's house: "I walk in, I say, 'Thank you so much for having me here, Ruthie.' She says, 'The pleasure's all mine, have a seat.'" Then, in a loud aside, 'Harriet, put my pocketbook away.'"

Doing her sister-in-law during their first meeting (and in a New Jersey accent the lawsuit notes Croonquist has said sounds "like a cat in heat"): "Oh my Gawd, look at her, she's got light eyes and light hair. What kind of black person is she?"

Then herself (in a black urban street voice): "I said, 'A black person who can hear, that's who.'"

Then (as Haley Joel Osment might sound in "The Sixth Sense," if he spoke in a black urban accent): "I hear white people!"

[ video after jump ]


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Anonymous said...

dang! it's an act and it was funny. even if it was a lie, she's grinding so i ain't mad at her. every comedian does it! they need laughs to make that chedda. the son/husband must be a wuss b/c he should have the ability to squash that isht.
btw, love your hair in the pic above Sunda!

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