Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bill Maher Throws Grease at a Famewhore

So the Internet has been busy for a week now (?) with much talk about Whats-Her-Face -- you know the former reality show "star" who claimed her boyfriend, San Diego Chargers linebacker Shawne Merriman roughed her up, choked her and imprisoned her in his hom, gave the paparazzi a photoshoot of her supposed bruises, then - surprise! - the district attorney refused to pursue any charges against Shawne because there was "insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that any crime was committed."

All of that happened last week. Maybe the week before. We didn't and still don't care.

We purposely didn't publish the initial story, because we refuse to give certain famewhores mentions and if we find out you're a blatant famewhore, like the Whats-Her-Face in this case and Whats-Her-Face, then you're, for a lack of a better term, dead to us.

We said all of that to say, comedian Bill Maher feels the same way about Whats-Her-Face. On his talk show, Real Time With Bill Maher, last weekend, he said this:
New rule: Stop acting surprised someone choked Tila Tequila! The surprise is that someone hasn’t choked this bitch sooner!"
Domestic violence is wrong, but filing a false police report is also wrong. Isn't that a felony?

PS: Do you remember her previous PR stunt?



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