Thursday, January 27, 2011

WATCH: Breast Implants Cause Rare Cancer, Rats on the Train, Smugglers

Federal health officials are investigating a possible link between breast implants and anaplastic large celllymphoma, a very rare form of cancer that attacks lymph nodes and the skin.

40-year-old Arthur Derby of Sacramento, Calif. is high as all get out.

Let the evolution debate continues. Ambam, an endangered Western lowland gorilla at Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in the UK, is seen walking upright like a man.

New Yorkers freak out at a rat on the subway:

Also in NYC:

A woman claims when she tasted a yogurt sample from an Albuquerque, NM supermarket, she immediately spit it out because it tasted like sperm. Police questioned Anthony Garcia, 31, the employee who was handing out the free samples but said they could not charge him until after tests prove it was semen.

20-year-old Nicholas Duffy of Sandy, Utah jumped out of the window of a moving police car. Nicholas told the officer he felt sick, so the officer rolled down the window about a foot so Nicholas could get some fresh air. He jumped out the window onto a busy highway. He was not seriously injured, but spent the night in the hospital.

This looks fake:

Eh! Eh! Git! Git!

A group of smugglers were caught on a remote video surveillance system using a catapult to launch marijuana over the Mexican border into the US. None of the smugglers were caught, but 45 pounds of marijuana, an SUV, and the catapult were seized.

This low-clearance bridge in Durham, North Carolina takes no prisoners.

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