Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bishop Eddie Long Sexual Coercion Case Has Been Settled; He Paid Off Accusers

In a case that's had as much twists and there turns (if you know what we mean, and we think you do), the sexual coercions case brought by four men against self-hating homophobe Bishop Eddie Long has finally been settled out of court. Attorney BJ Bernstein, who represented the men, said in a statement “the matter is resolved.” Anthony Flagg, Maurice Robinson, Jamal Parris and Spencer LeGrande all said Bishop Long, 57, seduced them with cars, jewelry, trips and sexting them inappapropriate photos (above), then sexually assaulted them -- often while they were drugged -- them on church property and in hotel rooms around the globe beginning at age 15. When the allegations first surfaced, he promised to fight the charges and later admitted to hugging the boys and showering them with gifts, but denied raping them. Now we will never really hear from him under oath or know how much money he paid them (they probably didn't get anywhere near seven-figures) -- which reminds us, we have to cancel that popcorn order. Nevermind, we'll probably need it for the sexual misconduct case of Bishop Long's protegè.



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