Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WATCH: Student Goes Batsh*t Crazy + Lady Brags About Lying to Get Out of Jury Duty -- With Predictable Results

This bitch is probably of her meds or suffering from "exhaustion" or "dehydration." According to the Internet, a Florida Atlantic University professor was holding a study session before a midterm on evolution, when the crazy person asked the professor a racially-charged question. She was not happy with the teacher's answer and began to yell and threatened to kill the professor and her classmates -- then all hell broke loose! The crazy person was taken to a hospital to treat her "exhaustion" and/or "dehydration" and will most certainly will be expelled from FAU.

Speaking of disorder in the classroom, John Adams, a biology teacher at a charter school in Philadelphia, is cursing out his students and threatening them to hit him -- so he can sue them for everything they've got once they turn 19 and flipping burgers at McDonald's. Wait, what?

This has happened before. An woman in the Atlanta-area says her 7-year-old son was sexually assaulted in his elementary school bathroom by another 7-year-old boy. "He told the little boy 'no' and to 'get out of his stall,'" the unidentified mother said. "As my son got up to wipe himself, the little boy snatched a poopy tissue out of his hands and placed his private genitals on my son's buttocks." Say what, now?!!!!!

↪ And the donkey of the day is this "crazy" person who got off jury duty by pretending to be mentally ill, then called into a radio show to brag about it. Maybe she is crazy. Susan Cole, 57, of Denver was dismissed from jury duty in July 2011 after she "deliberately dressed in a disheveled and uncoordinated fashion" to look like she had a mental disorder (PTSD), which she claimed she suffered from military service, was the victim of domestic violence, and had been homeless. Coincidentally, the judge that dismissed Susan was listening to the radio that day and issued a warrant for her arrest.

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