» Bullied 8-year-old Girl Overdoses on Prescription Pills
Bullied 8-year-old Girl Overdoses on Prescription Pills
This is just sad.
A central Ohio mother says her eight-year-old daughter overdosed on prescription pills after being bullied. Michelle Koch says her little girl had been subjected to harsh bullying at Dana Elementary School since last year. "She said kids were calling her fat and ugly," Koch said. "One girl called her a fat twinkie, and it really seemed to tear her up inside. It was really affecting her." Koch says her daughter eventually resorted to desperate measures to avoid the bullying. "My daughter took an overdose of her sister's meds because she didn't want to go to school," Koch said. "We spent hours in the ER at Children's at the trauma center." The little girl spent approximately a week in the hospital. Her family did not know if she'd make it out alive. "We almost lost her," Koch said. "She was that adamant about not going to school that she went to that extreme so she wouldn't have to go."...Koch says her daughter will not be returning to Dana Elementary. She says she's now concerned with other children who may be receiving similar treatment from bullies. "It just it really hurts. How many other kids are going through this? How many kids are gonna have to die before something is done?"
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