Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Susan Boyle Tells Pres. Obama 'No!'

Susan Boyle, the 48-year-old unlikely TV star who shocked the world with her voice and feet - was invited by several TV networks to attend the Correspondents Dinner in Dinner as their special guest, but she said no, even though she knows President Barack Obama is a fan.

"She was shocked and thrilled by the invite - but it was all too much too soon for her so she said no," a friend told News of the World. "She has been told President Obama has seen clips of her on TV and loved her singing. And she is delighted. But instead she'll have no doubt stayed in with her cat Pebbles, washed her hair and watched Britain's Got Talent on telly."

All that time at home playing with her "cat" and leaves no time for playing with men.
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Anonymous said...

You tell them Susan, they are not worthy lol

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