Thursday, August 13, 2009

NeNe Choked Kim Out of Self-Defense. [Update: Kim Admits She Hit NeNe First]

In an interview with, NeNe makes jokes as she talked about her new book, Never Make the Same Mistake Twice.

Of course she was asked about Kim's recent allegations that she was choked. Although NeNe said she can't talk about it (the drama will play out on an upcoming episode) she did tell the interviewer this:

"Self defense is totally different from domestic violence."

That statement leads us to believe that Kim was the aggressor and NeNe was merely trying to defend herself and somehow Kim got choked out in the process.

NeNe also said she's changing her approach on keepin' it real.

Don't expect any further confrontations (like this classic one) from Miss NeNe. She's "making a change" and will try her hardest to refrain from calling Kim, or anyone, a "trashy, trailer trash, hooker."

"I take a lot of heat from speaking a lot. I'm making a change," she said. "I am gonna stop speaking out so much. I might even go to therapy to see if they can help me from speaking out so much."

[ video after jump ]

Update: Kim said she hit NeNe first.
She told OK! magazine today she did “smack NeNe’s finger” after NeNe was running off at the mouth. “I was not pleased with the stuff that’s coming out her mouth, but as far as putting your hands on somebody, absolutely not. I didn’t touch her first," Kim said. “She put her hand in my face after she choked me the first time, and I smacked her finger out of my face.”

Chile, you know we hate to gossip, but records show NeNe's husband Gregg has been in and out of court for years after being sued for failure to pay child support, writing bad checks, etc. Check it out.

PS: Don't forget to tune in to tonight's episode where we find out if Shereè snatched Kim bald or not.


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