Friday, August 14, 2009

Perv's Defense to Masturbating on Train: 'My Private Parts Fell Out'

While riding a NYC subway at 4:45 in the afternoon last week, a man pulled out his johnson and began to masturbate, according to a woman who snapped the above photo then went straight to the local precinct to file a complaint.

A wanted posted was created -- using the lovely photo the woman took -- and after six days, 44-year-old Kevin Bishop was found then hauled into jail, reports the Daily News.

His defense?

"That's me in the pictures, my private parts fell out. I looked down and it was out, it just popped out. I was trying to put it back."

He was charged with misdemeanor public lewdness charge and faces 90 days in jail.

BTW: He was arrested 64 previous times. No word on whether he tried to use that defense before, though.

For a johnson to fall out, we thought it had to be one of these, not one of these.



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