Thursday, October 22, 2009

WHAT?! Usher is Trying To Woo Rihanna! She's Interested!

Have you heard this one? Usher is vigorously pursuing Rihanna. She's interested, but doesn't want to be a party in his messy divorce from What's-Her-Face, so, she's waiting for him.

Are you gagging, too?

"Usher has been making moves on Rihanna and she seems to like him a lot," an insider tells the National Enquirer. "He calls her at least twice a day and they text all the time -- he tells her how beautiful she is and that he can't wait to show her how a woman is supposed to be treated. Usher even sends Rihanna flowers and includes a cute little quote or song-lyric message."

The report claims Rihanna is feelin' Usher, but wants to take things slow.

"Even though they are very interested in each other, Rihanna refuses to be seen in the public with him in a romantic setting until his divorce is final because she doesn't want any drama with Tameka," adds the insider. "Right now, she's just enjoying flirting."

This whole idea of Usher chasing Rihanna and that she's interested is just ludicrous to us. Maybe he's just trying sending her songs in hopes she will work with him? Is someone in Usher's camp trying to drum up publicity for his new album by planting this story? Remember his last album he supposedly had a baby or something?

We believe Rihanna still is in love with Chris and some may even go so far to say as they've been seeing each other on the low low. That won't be all that surprising. In fact, just yesterday Chris was on Hot 97 in NYC yesterday saying he's still in love with Rihanna. He said: "Feelings are feelings and they don't go away overnight, especially if you sit down and be like, 'Look, I'm (going to) really be in this relationship with you, past whatever the case, past our busy schedules, past us being two of the biggest artists.' I really care about her."

So the idea of her being interested in Usher -- with all his baggage and, um, secret lifestyle -- is just crazy talk. (Then again, she probably won't mind Usher's secret.) Furthermore, Usher is scared of Chris. Remember Chris threatened to beat Usher's ass? But, hey, we could be wrong. Then again, the Enquirer has been getting a lot of stories right, of late.

Source: National Enquirer, Nov. 2, print edition.

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