Friday, November 6, 2009

Rihanna: Chris 'Had No Soul in His Eyes' As He Was Beating Me

Now we're getting somewhere. As we told you, Diane Sawyer is a thorough interviewer and she wouldn't allow Rihanna, whom we like to refer to as Ms Fenty, to walk on her set without giving the details about happened that night when Chris beat her face in and threatened to kill her. The details that were lacking from Chris Brown's half-assed interview on Larry King several months ago is now coming to light.

Yesterday on "Good Morning America", Ms Fenty said she went back after he beat her, but on this morning's teaser she described the horror she felt as Chris was biting and punching her during a violent argument in February, saying she saw "no soul in his eyes."

"There was no person when I looked at him," she told Diane. "He had no soul in his eyes. Just blank."

In the interview, Ms Fenty described him as "definitely my first big love." She said their relationship was intense.

"The more in love we became, the more dangerous we became for each other - equally as dangerous," she said. "It was a bit of an obsession almost."

Almost? That's not what we heard.

Ms Fenty said the brutal beatdown was triggered - as reported - when she saw a text message on Chris' phone from another woman he was allegedly jumping off with and confronted him about it. She said he lied about it and "I wouldn't drop it."

A search warrant affidavit filed in the case stated that Chris hit, choked and bit Rihanna and tried at one point to push her from the car.

"It was ugly," she said.

During the beating, Ms Fenty said she had no idea how it would end: "That's all I kept thinking the whole time, 'When is it going to stop? When is it going to stop?'"

Again, the full interview airs tonight on 20/20.



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