Monday, January 11, 2010

Fire Dept. Removes Man's Penis From Metal Pipe With Metal Grinder

A British man who got his penis stuck in a metal pipe was freed after a four-and-a-half-inch industrial metal grinder was used to release him, according to The Metro newspaper.

The unidentified man, who is said to be around 40 years old, showed up at Southampton General Hospital in the UK where doctors were unable to remove the pipe. So they called the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service who safely cut the pipe off using a grinder in what a spokesman said was a "delicate operation."

A Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: "It was a very delicate operation that required a very steady hand and the crew was worried about things getting too hot during the cutting. It's certainly an unusual call-out, and I'm sure the man won't be getting into that situation again."

The man never explained how the "accident" happened and penis was left bruised and swollen after the "surgery", but otherwise unharmed.

Well, at least he wasn't having sex with animals.


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