If you watch The Biggest Loser, then you notice trainer Jillian Michaels barking orders at the morbidly obese contestants and extoiling the virtues of a proper diet and exercise in order to drops the lbs, so it was suprsing to many (including us) when she came launched a brand of weight-loss supplements.
Now, the people looking for a quick fix and bought those supplements, have filed a class action lawsuit against Jillian claiming the Jillian Michaels Maximum Strength Calorie Control dietary supplement is "worthless."
"Telling people you take two magic pills and then eat chocolate cake all day is a deception," the plaintiff's lawyer told the folks over at TMZ.
The suit alleges, "Sadly, Michaels has decided to exploit her fame and goodwill by collaborating with Thin Care and Basic Research to promote a weight loss supplement that purportedly will cause weight loss by itself, without any additional effort on the part of the consumer."
The suit asks for an injunction prohibiting the sale of the product, plus damages.
Here's a tip: The only effective way to lose weight is by combining a proper diet with exercise. That's it.
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