Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Man Attacks 'Sinner' Dance Teacher With Stun Gun

Kevin Johnson, a 59-year-old Madison, Wisconsin man, was arrested after repeatedly shocking a male dance instructor with a stun gun, claiming the instructor was a "sinner" who "defiles married women." And, oh, yes, he also showed up with a sledge hammer.

According to the complaint:
Johnson told Detective Patrick Green that he had taken dance lessons before but stopped because his church does not condone bodies touching while dancing.
Johnson claimed that other people had told him that the instructor is "a true sinner, fornicator, (adulterer), he defiles married women and is a peeking Tom."
Johnson said he was going to scare the instructor "and tell him to leave the women alone." To do that, he said, he would go to a lesson and "take the electric thing and go zap and scare him."
He bought the stun gun on the Internet, he said, and brought the sledgehammer to the lesson with him inside his pants.
The instructor told police that Johnson phoned for private dance lesson, and when he opened the door to his home, Johnson began to shock him repeatedly in the neck with the stun gun.
The instructor's roommate knocked Johnson away from the instructor, and a chase ensued outside that ended with Johnson's arrest.
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Anonymous said...

Hmm, dance instructor?? Not to be offensive, but my first thought is 'how you doin' I smell a lie by this Johnson guy, bringing in religion would throw off the scent that he's probably 'how you doin' himself
And just who was the roommate?

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