Friday, June 11, 2010

Woman With No Health Insurance Shoots Herself So She Could Get Medical Care...WHAT!?!

Kathy Myers, 41, of Niles, Ind. was desperate for some medical attention after hurting her shoulder a month ago. With no medical insurance, she couldn't afford to see a specialist and the pain was getting unmanageable. SOOOOOOOOO! Yesterday, she shot herself with the hopes she'll get the care she needed. It didn't work. "I really didn't accomplish what I hoped it would accomplish," she tells WSBT News. "I was really hoping it would hit an artery or bone so they would do the surgery and fix me. I have no suicide wish. My life sucks right now but I want to live. I've got lots to live for and there's more good than bad in everything in my life, so that's not what it was about at all... I just want to take the pain away." Insanity!
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