Monday, June 14, 2010

Joe Jackson Blames Wife Katherine For Michael's Death

Someone over the News of the World threw some Euros at Papa Joe Jackson and he got the talking. Well, since the 80-year-old is looking for handouts, why not take some of the newspaper's, er, paper. Right? Joe tells the newspaper he had urged his wife Katherine to intervene and urge Michael Jackson to get help for his addiction to prescription drugs, but since she failed to follow his instructions, she's somehow responsible for Michael's death.

He says: "Katherine was weeping uncontrollably and highly upset. But I didn't give her a hug because I was MAD at her crying. I said, 'If you had listened to me Michael would be living now!' I kept thinking about the times I had stood in front of her saying something was wrong. I couldn't bottle up my feelings. Katherine didn't say a word - I had to get away from her. If she'd done what I asked, Michael would be here today. I am incensed with her. She could have made a difference....In Michael's final months alive I said to her many times that I couldn't get through to him - and that she needed to help her son. I had begged her to go over and stay with him, but she insisted he needed his privacy and gave him the slack she thought he needed. A child will listen to his mother more than his father - and Michael was a mummy's boy. He listened to her. I still haven't been able to talk about it to her as she doesn't want to hear what I have to say."

Katherine's lawyers say, "The inference by Joe Jackson that Mrs. Jackson was in any way responsible for Michael's death is preposterous. Katherine Jackson was a supportive and loving mother throughout Michael's life. His love and respect for her is reflected in his estate plan."

Which is true. In Michael's will, it was revealed he left 40% of his fortune to his mother, 20% to different charities, and the final 40% was to be divided between his children Prince, 13, Paris, 12, and Blanket, 8.

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